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Authorized Repair Service

Potomac Electric
Potomac Electric

Fanuc Servo Motors and Spindles

Fanuc servo motor repair
Fanuc servo motor Repair, Refurbishment, and Replacements
Fanuc spindle motor repair
Fanuc Spindles Repair, Refurbishment, and Replacements

Potomac Repair Services has supported Fanuc servo motors, drives, and spindles for many years. 

We also design and manufacture a number of Form, Fit and Function replacements. This saves a lot of money on machine maintenance and avoids costly retrofits.

Contact us. We may have already solved your problem!

Fanuc is a major supplier of machine tool control systems, servo drives, servo controllers, servo motors, spindle motors and drives, PLC and motion control systems, HMIs, process solutions, and embedded systems. Fanuc's broad range of quality products is widely used in communication, power and energy, military and aerospace, food and beverage, medical, and machine tool applications worldwide.

Working on Fanuc spindles, brush and brushless servo motors and drives, and servo controllers for over 15 years, Potomac Electric has repaired and refurbished hundreds of AC and DC Fanuc servo motors and spindles. We also support some legacy Fanuc servo amplifiers.

We are a small business and we understand the difficulty and cost of maintaining the machinery. Please drop us a note on our Inquiry and Quotes page with any questions.

Many of the Fanuc servo motors and drives may be in our Parts Inventory, so contact us with any inquiries for small lot production.